Bird Attack – This GMC Yukon hit a bird resulting in major damage to the grill. There were several pieces missing. You might think that this is non-repairable but with the Easy ABS Repair Kit you can do it yourself. If you passed scissors and glue in Kindergarten you are handy enough to do this repair. Do It Yourself Automotive Grill Repair
Step 1: Tape The Damage Back Together
Using masking tape get the remaining pieces of the grill back together. Once you have some of the pieces back in their original positions you can clean up the area around the breaks with a dremel tool, file, or sandpaper. Get down to the raw plastic.
Step 2: Apply the resin
Easy ABS Repair is a heavy bodied liquid ABS resin designed to easily repair any damaged ABS plastic. Even the most severely damaged plastic can be repaired at a fraction of the cost of new parts. There is nothing to ad or mix up, use the resin right from the bottle. The resin air cures in 24 hours and chemically welds the plastic in an unbreakable bond. Apply the resin directly on the cracks. The resin will air cure in 24 hours.
Step 3: Cut New Pieces To Replace The Lost Pieces
Additional ABS Sheets are available on the website. Cut out the missing parts and tape them into place. Bond them into the grill with the Easy ABS Resin. When you are done the grill should be back to looking like new. The resin dries to a shinny black finish and this grill is flat black sow we will paint it to complete the repair.
Step 4: Painting The Grill
Mask off the area around the grill. Use masking tape and newspaper to cover what you do not want to be painted. Keep the can shook up as you paint and use short even strokes. Apply in several thin coats until you are happy with the look of your repair
Step 5: Congratulate Yourself On A Job Well Done!!
Remove the masking: The grill looks like NEW!! Congratulate Yourself On An Automotive Grill Repair Done Right